Featured Movies

  • Rideshare

    Jason is an overweight rideshare driver annoyed with this "social (me)dia" generation. When one passenger sets him over the edge, he turns his car into a murder wagon in this twisted horror / comedy about a creepy killer's wicked night in Los Angeles.

  • North Face

    The true story of a photographer and two reluctant mountaineers who, forced by Nazi propagandists, attempt a death-defying ascent up an alpine peak.

  • Strawberry Mansion

    In the year 2035, a dream auditor working for an all-seeing surveillance state goes through an eccentric womans unconscious archive and begins to fall in love with her younger self.

  • Freaky Deaky

    Set in 1974, a pair of 60s radicals rely on their bomb-making skills to become capitalists.

  • The Revenant

    A fallen soldier who has joined the ranks of the living dead reunites with his best friend in order to figure out why he has returned and how to sustain himself, wreaks havoc upon his friends, family, and victims, before facing his unavoidable fate.

  • Ennio

    Giuseppe Tornatore, director of the beloved Cinema Paradiso, turns his camera on his longtime collaborator Ennio Morricone in a moving and comprehensive profile of the indefatigable composer.

  • Meru

    Three renowned climbers navigate natures harshest elements and their own complicated inner demons to ascend Mount Meru, the most technically complicated and dangerous peak in the Himalayas.

  • The Porter: The Untold Story at Everest

    A young American attempts to make history at Everest but experiences a harsh reality. This is an inside look into Everest, at the strength it takes to support it and how hard it is for a foreigner to attempt the same.

  • Jurassic Planet

    Oki, separated from family due to a T-Rex attack, befriends baby triceratops Kona. But T-Rex Snarl wants Oki. To save their Dinosaur Kingdom, they seek a magic stone. Dive into the adventure in Jurassic Planet.